
New features including admin contact from product page and many more: Nieuwe functies, waaronder admin contact vanaf de productpagina en nog veel meer:

31-03-2019 · Show the original text translated automatically

- Added transport cost when entering a new product

- Ability to deposit to your wallet using your favorite local payment gateway

- Services are now ONLINE and OFFLINE (ie performed on the internet or performed locally)

- Fixed random product blocks on the Chinese and Australian websites

- All headers and footers are now more constant across all websites

- Ability to contact Admin from product page (for example, you would like to buy the product from Oziway instead of the seller)

- Oneclick setup,. Every new news automatically receives a webstore, no clicking necessary

- Oziway.net has been moves to oziway.com/network/ top simplify the understanding of how the Oziway ecosystem works

- Contact pages have all been nationalized using Microsoft translation technologies

- Imported products, scripts have been improved

- When editing an imported product, you can now edit the initial values like margin, markup and url link

- Imported products, ability to add a Prefix and Suffix to the name, and a Suffix to all the descriptions

- Deleted products are now available in the Oziway archive, but are not available for purchase

- All product descriptions are now automatically localized by Microsoft translation technology

- Global products are now available and searchable in the national pages

- Extra transportkosten bij het invoeren van een nieuw product

- Mogelijkheid om te storten op uw portemonnee met behulp van uw favoriete lokale betalingsgateway

- Diensten zijn nu online en offline (dat wil zeggen uitgevoerd op het internet of lokaal uitgevoerd)

- Vaste willekeurige productblokken op de Chinese en Australische websites

- Alle headers en footers zijn nu constanter op alle websites

- Mogelijkheid om contact op te nemen met admin vanaf de productpagina (u wilt bijvoorbeeld het product bij Oziway kopen in plaats van de verkoper)

- Oneclick setup Every new news automatically receives a webstore, no clicking necessary

- Oziway.net has been moves to oziway.com/network/ top simplify the understanding of how the Oziway ecosystem works

- Contact pages have all been nationalized using Microsoft translation technologies

- Imported products, scripts have been improved

- When editing an imported product, you can now edit the initial values like margin, markup and url link

- Imported products, ability to add a Prefix and Suffix to the name, and a Suffix to all the descriptions

- Deleted products are now available in the Oziway archive, but are not available for purchase

- All product descriptions are now automatically localized by Microsoft translation technology

- Global products are now available and searchable in the national pages
